Volume 2:1st & 2nd Class

After 21 years of support from schools and teachers all over the country, it took a pandemic to bring me to the decision to partially cease trading.

· All remaining Singing Made Easy  packs will be sold for €10 for the book and CD. ( & €5 to cover delivery)

· I hope to maintain the website as is, which allows online access to Music Made Easy purchases for existing and new customers.

· Once all hard copies are gone, they will not be restocked.

Volume 2: 1st/2nd Class CD, Teacher's Manual and Student's Songbook

Volume 2: 1st/2nd Class CD, Teacher's Manual and Student's Songbook

Price: €10.00

Product code: SME 008

In stock: yes

Listen to a sample track from this CD:
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah (00:00:41)

Product Samples


More info

Every song listed is on CD with a vocal track (used for teaching the song) and a backing track (used to accompany the children singing in the classroom) 


  1. Three Little Fishes
  2. Whistle While You Work
  3. Yellow Submarine
  4. The Unicorn
  5. Do-Re-Mi
  6. Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee
  7. Baby Mine
  8. When I See an Elephant Fly
  9. Island in the Sun
  10. When You Wish Upon a Star
  11. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
  12. Give a Little Whistle
  13. Kookaburra 


Volume 2: 1st/2nd Class Student's Songbook

Volume 2: 1st/2nd Class Student's Songbook

Price: €2.00

Product code: SME 009

In stock: yes

Contains lyrics of all the songs on CD

More info

This A5 size book contains lyrics (only) for all the songs listed below and could be a handy resource to have in a classroom.


  1. Three Little Fishes
  2. Whistle While You Work
  3. Yellow Submarine
  4. The Unicorn
  5. Do-Re-Mi
  6. Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee
  7. Baby Mine
  8. When I See an Elephant Fly
  9. Island in the Sun
  10. When You Wish Upon a Star
  11. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
  12. Give a Little Whistle
  13. Kookaburra 

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