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Junior Infants
After 21 years of support from schools and teachers all over the country, it took a pandemic to bring me to the decision to partially cease trading.
· All remaining Music Made Easy class packs will be sold off below cost price at €40 per pack. ( & €5 to cover delivery)
· As long as stock lasts, each order will secure a free copy of a book and CD of songs from the remaining Singing Made Easy stock.
· I hope to maintain the website as is, which allows online access to Music Made Easy purchases for existing and new customers.
· Once all hard copies are gone, they will not be restocked.
Affordable to everyone!
The purpose of these schemes is to capture the attention of the students and to engage them in activities each week which will help to develop and foster a love of music. There is a story running through each lesson which connects all the lessons together and gives the children a sense of purpose in the activities they will undertake in each lesson.
In Junior infants, the story is centred around two main characters, Diarmuid and Gráinne. These two characters are on a journey to Music Land because their dog, Little Mozart, has been stolen by the villian of the story, the Wicked Wizard. The Wizard thinks that if he has the especially talented dog in his possession that the people of Music Land will see a different side to him and that they will eventually support him when he goes to overthrow the existing King of Music Land.
Knowing the background story, the children are asked to help Diarmuid and Gránne. By doing the tasks in each lesson, the children will help Diarmuid and Gránne reach their destination all the quicker.
Nana Murphy narrates each lesson and explains to the students in the classroom what they must do in each lesson so that Diarmuid and Gráinne can move along to the next village. The students get very wrapped up in the story line and don't even know that important strands and strand units are being covered as they do their work.
This is why teachers all over the country love the scheme because they do know that all the elements of the curriculum are being covered and yet everyone is having great fun doing it.
Junior Infants Full Package
Price: €40.00
Product code: MME 001
In stock: yes
Amazing Offer! Offer remains in place until all stocks are gone.
- A 208 page Teacher's Manual
- CD Pack containing 5 CDs
- 1 Wall Chart
- A set of Flipcharts
- Complimentary workbook
Junior Infants Teacher's Manual
Price: €17.50
Product code: MME 002
In stock: yes
Junior Infants Teacher's Manual
Product Samples
Sample pages from the Junior Infant Teacher's Manual
- 208 pages
- Guidelines
- Yearly work scheme
- Monthly report & checklist
- Score / observation sheets
- Certificate
- 20 fully laid out lesson plans
- 20 Songs including words, music, guitar chords and tonic solfa
- Worksheets
- Artwork
Junior Infants CD Pack
Price: €20.66
Product code: MME 003
In stock: yes
Junior Infants CD Pack - 5 CDs in pack
The CD pack includes:
- 5 CDs
- 20 Irish and English songs with backing tracks also supplied
- 20 lessons narrated by Nana Murphy
- All sounds, music and instructions needed to complete lessons are included on CD
List of songs included in the Junior Infant Scheme:
- Here we go round the house at home
- Old mac Donald
- Mickey Mouse march
- Na Drumai
- Comhair
- Go to sleep
- Camptown races
- Little Hans
- Mo lollipop
- Buail do bhosa
- Rock a bye baby
- When Johnny comes marching home
- Goosey, goosey gander
- Cúigear fear
- Istigh sa Zú
- Chruthaigh Dia gach uile ni
- Einini
- The bucket of water song
- Skip to my Lou
- Animal fair
Junior Infants Workbook
Price: €5.00
Product code: MME 004
In stock: yes
Junior Infants Workbook
Product Samples
Sample pages from the Junior Infant Workbook
Includes 36 pages of work that will be completed by the end of the 20 lessons (Optional).
This scheme can function without the use of workbooks. The children will not be at a disadvantage if they do not have them. However, they can be very useful in terms of keeping a portfolio and as a record of how each child is doing in this particular subject area.
With the order of a full package, you will get one complimentary workbook.
Junior Infants Set Of A2 Flip Charts
Price: €17.50
Product code: MME 005
In stock: yes
Junior Infants Flipcharts
Product Samples
2 Sample pages of 12 A2 size Flipcharts
Includes all the visual backup you will need to demonstrate different topics covered in the lessons.
Junior Infants A1 Wall Chart
Price: €2.84
Product code: MME 006
In stock: yes
Junior Infants Wall Chart
Product Samples
Sample section of the A1 size Wall Chart
This chart shows the map of the journey that Diarmuid and Gráinne will have to make. The cut– outs of the children can be moved along the map to let your students see the progress they have made from one lesson to another.