4th Class

After 21 years of support from schools and teachers all over the country, it took a pandemic to bring me to the decision to partially cease trading.

· All remaining Music Made Easy  class packs will be sold off below cost price at €40 per pack. ( & €5 to cover delivery)

· As long as stock lasts, each order will secure a free copy of a book and CD of songs from the remaining Singing Made Easy stock.

· I hope to maintain the website as is, which allows online access to Music Made Easy purchases for existing and new customers.

· Once all hard copies are gone, they will not be restocked.

Affordable to everyone!

In fourth class, the approach of the scheme is very much the same as in third class. The children are given tasks to perform in each lesson and the motivation for doing the work is that they will get a clue at the end of each lesson. By the end of five lessons, the children will be asked to figure out the mystery person. There are 4 mystery people in all, which the children need to discover. Once they have figured out the 4 mystery people, then they have to figure out what these 4 people have in common. This will lead them to the final answer.

The children are given a certificate at the end of the year to show that they have successfully completed the music course.

This time, the lessons are narrated on CD by Diarmuid who is of a similar age to the children in fourth class. There are several places from around the world mentioned in the music scheme. By using the enclosed map of the world, the children unknowingly, are familiarising themselves with the world.


4th Class Full Package

4th Class Full Package

Price: €40.00

Product code: MME 030

In stock: yes

Amazing Offer! Offer remains in place until all stocks are gone.

More info


  • A 272 page Teacher's Manual 
  • CD Pack containing 9 CDs
  • 8 Wall Charts
  • Complimentary workbook


4th Class Teacher's Manual

4th Class Teacher's Manual

Price: €20.00

Product code: MME 031

In stock: yes

4th Class Teacher's Manual

Product Samples

Sample pages from the 4th Class Teacher's Manual

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  • 272 pages
  • Guidelines
  • Yearly work scheme
  • Monthly report & checklist
  • Score / observation charts
  • Certificate
  • 20 fully laid out lesson plans
  • 20 Songs including words, music, guitar chords and tonic solfa
  • Worksheets
  • Artwork

4th Class CD Pack

4th Class CD Pack

Price: €37.00

Product code: MME 032

In stock: yes

4th Class CD Pack - 9 CDs

Product Samples

4th Class CD - Sample track
sample track

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The CD pack includes:

  • 9 CDs
  • 20 Irish and English songs with backing tracks also supplied
  • 20 lessons narrated by Diarmuid
  • All sounds, music and instructions needed to complete lessons are included on CD

List of songs included in the 4th Class Scheme:

  1. Sandy McNab - Round
  2. Im bim babaró
  3. I'd like to teach the world to sing
  4. Shalom chaverim - Round
  5. Dan O'Hara - 2 parts
  6. Sios cois an ghaorthaidh
  7. Sing
  8. Peigi leitir móir
  9. Lovely evening - Round
  10. Suantrai na Maighdine - 2 parts
  11. The silvery sands - 2 parts
  12. Cnocáinin aerach Chill Mhuire
  13. The Dublin saunter
  14. Sean Dún na nGall 
  15. The Cliffs of Dooneen - 2 parts
  16. Inion an phailitinigh 
  17. Rice song - 2 parts
  18. Amhrán don leanbán - 2 parts
  19. Chim, chim, cheree
  20. An samhradh 'filleadh go hEirinn - 2 parts


4th Class Workbook

4th Class Workbook

Price: €6.00

Product code: MME 033

In stock: yes

4th Class Workbook

Product Samples

Sample pages from the 4th Class Workbook

More info

Includes 60 pages of work that will be completed by the end of the 20 lessons (Optional).

This scheme can function without the use of workbooks. The children will not be at a disadvantage if they do not have them. However, they can be very useful in terms of keeping a portfolio and as a record of how each child is doing in this particular subject area.  

With the order of a full package, you will get one complimentary workbook.

4th Class Wall Charts

4th Class Wall Charts

Price: €15.50

Product code: MME 034

In stock: yes

4th Class Wall Charts

Product Samples

2 Sample pages from the 4th Class Wall Charts

More info

The 8 wall charts show various aspects from various lessons. These wall charts will be very useful when displayed on the wall in your classroom.

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